Art Program

Brett works on a painting with a brush attached to a head device. Sabina spreads paint across the paper with her fingers. The instructor helps Madison paste paper shapes on her collage.

Every child at HMS participates in making art—using their hands, using their feet, using adapted brushes and tools—whatever works. Our talented art instructor empowers students to express their motivation, creativity and emotions through their artwork. Her philosophy: art is like food—everybody needs it.

For children who may have little control over their hand and/or arm movements, and who are nonverbal or have limited verbal skills, art is an important form of communication and source of increasing self esteem. Even a child’s smallest movements can become the means for powerful artistic expression.

HMS exhibits an Annual Art Show of student work, with a festive opening reception, silent auction, guest judges and lots of awards. Youngsters look forward to viewing and commenting on one another’s creations. Student work has also been recognized by several community organizations, including Art in City Hall which honored students with a show.